If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call your emergency number immediately (such as 911) and seek immediate medical attention.
However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides general guidance on recognizing the signs of a heart attack and what to do:
- Call for Emergency Help: If you suspect you or someone else is having a heart attack, call your local emergency number immediately. In the United States, it’s 911.
- Chew Aspirin, if Recommended: If you have been prescribed aspirin by a healthcare provider, and you’re not allergic to it, chew it while waiting for emergency medical services. Aspirin can help thin the blood and improve blood flow to the heart.
- Stay Calm and Rest: Try to stay as calm as possible. Rest in a comfortable position while waiting for emergency personnel.
- Do Not Drive Yourself: It’s generally not advisable to drive yourself to the hospital during a heart attack. Emergency medical services can provide faster and more appropriate care.
Remember that early intervention is crucial during a heart attack. The above steps are general guidelines, and individual cases may vary. Always follow the advice of healthcare professionals and seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a heart attack.