Adult CPR
Adult CPR teaches you to respond to emergencies impacting a friend, co-worker, or family member. In this class you will learn how to evaluate an emergency situation, make care decisions, and provide cardiac and respiratory emergency care until the paramedics arrive. This course features an easy to learn, fast paced, skills focused, hands-on curriculum. By completing the course requirements you’ll earn your Adult CPR certification. CPR certifications are good for 2 years.
Cost: $50 (2.5 hour course) :: w/First Aid: $55 (6 hour course)
Pediatric (Child/Infant) CPR
Pediatric CPR teaches you to respond to emergencies impacting a young child. Because of a child’s small size and developing respiratory systems, certain modifications are made to the CPR skills in order to provide maximum benefit to the victim. In this class you will learn how to evaluate an emergency situation, make care decisions, and provide cardiac and respiratory emergency care until the paramedics arrive. This course features an easy to learn, fast paced, skills focused, hands-on curriculum. By completing the course requirements you’ll earn your Pediatric CPR certification. CPR certifications are good for 2 years.
Cost: $45 (2.5 hour course) :: w/First Aid: $55 (6 hour course)
Adult, Infant and Child CPR
This course combines the curriculum of the Adult and Pediatric CPR courses to provide a comprehensive emergency response training. Ideal for people who spend time with both children and adults, such as church workers or parents.
Cost: $55 (4.5 hour course) :: w/First Aid: $65 (8 hour course)
First Aid
First Aid training is generally included as part of a CPR curriculum, although it can be trained separately. The First Aid course will teach you how to identify and treat sudden illnesses, wounds, and breaks. By completing the course requirements you’ll earn your First Aid certification. First Aid certifications are good for 3 years.
Cost: $40 (2.5 hour course)
Professional Rescuer CPR (BLS)
Professional Rescuer CPR teaches you the necessary skills to provide Basic Life Support as part of a role where you have a duty to respond to emergencies. This course is ideal for meeting BLS or Professional Rescuer CPR requirements for Lifeguards, Nurses, Fire Fighters, and Police Officers. This course features an easy to learn, fast paced, skills focused, hands-on curriculum. By completing the course requirements you’ll earn your Professional Rescuer CPR certification. CPR certifications are good for 2 years.
Cost: $60